I am living life with 7 street boys (ages 18-22) in Mombasa, Kenya.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Support Letter

Dear Friends and Family,

For the past two years, I have been living and working in Chicago as a software consultant with The Revere Group. Until recently, I thought I would be staying here indefinitely, but God had other plans for me. At the end of July, I am heading off to Mombasa, Kenya where the Lord is calling me for 6 months. I have three friends, Carly, Valerie and Rachel, who are currently ministering to the locals via an orphanage. With the help of local Pastor Miambo, they started this orphanage last summer hoping they would have a lasting impact on the streets of Mombasa and the surrounding area. They have felt that this is an excellent opportunity, not only to preach the Word of God into the lives of those around them, but also to model the teachings of Christ thorough their daily lifestyle of family living. Most of the orphans, or 'chokora', meaning 'garbage' in Swahili, are from the streets of Mombasa, and are a part of the 250,000-300,000 street kids in Kenya, 30,000 of which are in Mombasa.
During my time in Mombasa, I will be helping out their ministry in several ways:
• role-model - I will be providing a Christ-like male figure in the lives of the orphans. Most of them do not know what it is like to live in a family setting, nor do they have positive male influences on a day-to-day basis. I hope that through my interactions with them and the manner in which I conduct myself will be an example of what it is like to be a man of God.
• street ministry - Another addition to their team, Whitney, will be coming down around the same time as me. Whitney will be rekindling their street ministry, as most of their focus has turned to providing for their orphans. Whitney's role will be to befriend, and share the love of God with those on the street. Eventually Pastor Miambo wants to start a Sunday church service for all those on the street who want to participate. I will be helping Whitney during the days, when most of the orphans are in school.
• administration - I will be helping them organize their current setup, as well as helping out with their day-to-day activities of running and maintaining an orphanage.

There are two ways in which you can assist me:

• prayer - The power of prayer is so amazing. This whole trip definitely would not have made it thus far without much prayer from myself and others around me. So I ask that you pray for my preparation on all levels - mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically - as I know I will be faced with many challenges prior to and during my trip. Also, pray that I will continually seek God, amidst the day-to-day experiences I will have while there. Pray also that I will be able to follow God's guidance for me while there, and that the hearts of the street kids I come into contact with will be softened towards the Gospel.
• financially - I understand current financial times are tough, but I would ask that you prayerfully consider supporting me, through a monthly donation or a onetime gift. I cannot financially support myself while I am there, and look to you for help. I need $10,000 for my six month stay. I am partnering with Community Bible Church in High Point, North Carolina, who will handle all of my finances while I am away. So any contributions are tax-deductible (bonus!). You can make checks out to "Community Bible Church" with "Kenya" in the memo (please do not write my name anywhere on the check). You can use the enclosed envelope for any gifts you would like to send. As a personal goal, I would like to have all the funds raised before I leave on July 28.

Thank you for your prayers and support as I prepare for this trip. I would be more than happy to talk to you more about my upcoming trip if you so desire. My goal is to keep you updated on my trip prior and during my stay. Please let me know if you would like to receive updates via email.

With many thanks and love,

Brandon Wong

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