I am living life with 7 street boys (ages 18-22) in Mombasa, Kenya.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Naurobi - a mugging, some crocodile, and Naftali

what a huge roller coaster ride.  it started off not so good, and ended so good.  first off, taking a night bus from mombasa to nairobi isn't the most exciting adventure.  the ride is usually about 7 hours, from about 10:00 pm to about 5:00 am.  and about a quarter of the road is unpaved.  with buses barely passing each other, holding on for dear life, the occasional scent of sweat, it's hard to sleep.  but the day before i leave, i try to get myself pretty sleep deprived, so that i'm pretty tired on the ride.  this trip, we did arrive in nairobi at 5:00 am.  i slept on the bus for an hour, until they told me i had to leave.  so i grabbed by duffel bag and my backpack and headed out towards the buses in town to get to where i was staying.  i was walking for two minutes when i heard the words "mazungu" (meaning white person, although i'm not white...), and next thing i knew, i was being strangled from behind.  i felt a hand shuffling through each pocket, and can't remember what happened next.  i assume i passed out for a few minutes, and when i came to, what had happened seemed like a dream.  i laid on the ground for a few minutes, trying to gather my thoughts and put together the pieces.  i had all my clothes on, i couldn't see a darn thing, and was lying down on my back on concrete.  then i realized that it wasn't a dream, but i was actually just mugged.  i turned on my hands and knees, and searched for my glasses.  luckily i found them, in tact.  as i was searching, a gracious man picked up a pen the thieves left, and handed it to me.  bless him.  i stuck the pen in my pocket, and quickly went back to the bus stage (or station) to hail a taxi to my destination.  God definitely was protecting me.  the muggers took my phone and my duffel bag, containing only clothes and gifts for my Compassion child.  thankfully, my backpack they decided to leave alone, which contained my passport, money, ya know the important stuff.  also they didn't physically try and hurt me, only to restrain me to take my stuff.  which was also another huge blessing, because i'm sure from the arm around my neck that they could have done some serious damage to me.

later that evening, I met up with the two canadians, Jesse and Curtis, and their buddy Kurtis.  we decided to head out to dinner.  i suggested Carnivore, a brazilian steakhouse well known for their exotic meat.  they had been their earlier that week, and suggested another place called Pampa Grill.  i agreed.  turns out, it was another lesser known brazilian steakhouse, cheaper and fancier than Carnivore.  chicken wings, beef hump and ribs, upper and lower beef, pork ribs, pork, lamb leg, fish, turkey.  all delicious meat.  but we were most excited about the two wild game they had their - camel and crocodile!  camel was pretty tender and a bit gamey.  crocodile tasted a lot like fish, just a bit tougher.  it was altogether lovely.  after seriously stuffing our faces until we could handle no more, we decided to go ice skating - i know, who knew they would have ice skating in kenya!  i actually didn't go because i have some pretty bad sores on my feet, but i used my professional photography skills to capture some sweet images.

monday, morning was declared a national holiday in Kenya because of Ramadan just a week prior.  but since i had arranged this date several months in advance, we decided to go for the Compassion visit.  i made it up to the center where Naftali, my kid who's 7, usually comes for his weekly programs on saturday.  there, we were able to meet for the first time.  it was so cool to see him, and then also to meet his younger brother, older sister, and mother.  we were sitting around a table having a nice little chit chat.  they were trying to compare me to the picture i had sent them earlier.  and they said they would not have recognized me walking down the street from the picture.  i like to think i look the same from two years ago.  we headed to their house, to see where they live.  the graciously invited me inside, and we presented each other with gifts - they got me a pretty fetch bracelet.  and i helped them out with some food.  we were able to play some football with his friends outside his house.  together we headed back to the center.  the center provided two baby avacado tress for Naftali and i to plant.  so together we planted them both.  (and each saturday when Naftali comes to the center, it's his responsibility to water them, so hopefully this will be a lasting memory for him.)  and then we had some lunch together, a real treat, with meat and soda.  and then some more time to hang out together playing soccer.  it truly was a blessing for me to be able to meet who i'm supporting, and for his family to meet me.  i definitely enjoyed seeing his family and where he lives, and just spending time with him.  although the language barrier was a pretty big disappointment, we were still able to enjoy each other's company and the international sport of football.

so now i'm back in mombasa, at the daily grind.  jesse and curtis are here with me, and we're all excited to see how God will be able to use this time, and all these people for His glory in the lives of the boys.  i think that satan will try and attack the boys during this time because the presence of God will be so strong in this house.  so please pray for us the next week.  pray that we will be able to stand firm against satan, and to be able to shine light into the lives of the boys.  that we would not go weary during this fight, but yet continue to rely on daily strength from the Lord.

(ps - if you haven't already, check out carly's latest post at http://raphahouseofprayer.blogspot.com)

me, naftali and my bracelet

me and naftali with his family

me and naftali planting our tree

Friday, September 18, 2009

salvation - part 3

since the showing of "the cross and the switchblade", our nightly Bible study for the boys has been mainly about salvation - trying to expose these boys to the Holy Spirit. so much head knowledge from these boys. they can spit out answers, even better than me sometimes, but only because it's all rote memorization from school. usually during these Bible studies, most of them are sitting doing their own thing - sleeping, twiddling their thumbs, gazing off into who knows what. Allan Smith (he liked the last name Smith) is one of the boys trying to pay attention. there's seriously a battle within him, trying to win his soul. you can tell each night, as he listens eagerly. just last night, after Bible study, he went straight to bed because he had a lot on his mind. he's expressed some of his temptations and his desire to "do good" to me. he has a desire to read more of the Bible, and even called me today during class to write an explanation of a verse for him. the Holy Spirit is definitely working in his life, but as of yet, he has failed to accept the Holy Spirit in his life. he can tell you that people need to accept the Holy Spirit in order for salvation, but that has not sunk into his heart yet.

Allan Smith

more good news is that I'm headed to Nairobi this weekend to see my sponsor child. that's not really the best news. here it is - i'm headed back next tuesday with the two canadians, Curtis and Jessie, that visited us earlier. they've finished their work in the Congo, and have a desire to help out at the house during their last two weeks in Africa. what a huge blessing. with Allan's spiritual struggle, and our huge desire for all the boys salvation, God's timing of allowing them to join us could not be any better. even up to this day, the boys still talk about the activities and teachings we did while Curtis and Jessie was first here. so we're praying that their extended time with us will have a huge impact on the boys and us as well.

God's laid it on my heart recently to learn more about His righteousness. not only that, but about my righteousness. how i can become more righteous in my life. how i can display God's righteousness to the boys in the house. it's something i've never really studied before, so we'll see how God will open doors, and give me wisdom on the subject.

- Allan - that the Holy Spirit would continue to touch his life, and remove him from the darkness
- Curtis and Jessie - that they would bring a strong Godly presence into the house and the lives of the boys
- that I would seek after God's righteousness and learn how to become righteous like him - either through His word, relationships, sermons, whatever it takes.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

salvation part 2

so actually, the other night, we presented salvation to the boys.  we read a testimony from the book "the cross and the switchblade", by david wilkerson.  the testimony was of nicky cruz, who was a former gang member in NYC.  a lot of his testimony and experiences in life resonate with the boys in the house.  we talked about how the Holy Spirit can come into a person's life, and totally change a person's life; remove struggles and temptation; perform miracles that people could not even imagine.  we held an open invitation for the boys to come and receive the Holy Spirit, but only if they truly desired to change.  only if they truly desired to give up everything to follow God.  it was disheartening to know that none of the boys even had a little desire to truly change.  none of them wanted the transformation that nicky cruz experienced.  it was their first exposure to salvation.  it was their first time hearing about the Holy Spirit becoming apart of them and changing their lives.

tonight, we're planning on watching the movie "the cross and the switchblade" based off the book.  we're coming at them with another opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit to move powerfully through similar situations.  the book is about david wilkerson and how he started off as a country preacher in PA and felt called by God to minister to gangs in NYC.  a revival started within the gangs of NYC.  and we're hoping this movie will allow the Holy Spirit to move in the lives of our boys here at the Rapha House.

so our biggest prayer request right now is for the salvation of the boys.  not that i didn't realize before, but we definitely need the Holy Spirit to move in them for anything to happen.  our work is in vain if we're not moving along side of Him.  we all feel that we need to step up the level of maturity within the house, and that next step is salvation of the boys.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


the salvation of these boys is still non existent.  after having been off the streets for 9 months and in a house of the Lord, with constant teachings and head knowledge of the Bible, they still revert back to money or drugs or worldly things to satisfy their problems.  there are days where things are going well, and days, well, i just want to leave.  these boys totally remind me of Israel, constantly getting the blessing of God, and constantly turning their back on Him.  God pulling them out of hard situations, but Israel turning to thank their idols.  God revealing Himself in so many ways, but Israel not acknowledging. i know God has me here for a reason, but frustration sets in when sometimes it seems like our work here is in vain.  i know it's not, but honestly, it seems like God wants these boys to follow Him - so why not snap a finger and make it happen?  why not give us our desire to change these boys lives?  obviously, none of this is part of His plan at the moment.  obviously He wants us to "struggle" through our current situation for specific reasons.

if i could leave you with one prayer request - it would be that us leaders here (carly, valerie, whitney, pastor salito, sondra, and myself) would align our work here in Mombasa with God's plan.  that we would continue to trust that God has these boys lives in His hands, and that our work here is not in vain.  that despite our human flaws, we would be able to continue seeing and loving these boys as sons of God.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

new blog

ok. so i don't have a new blog. but the girls here in Mombasa do. it's http://raphahouseofprayer.blogspot.com. for those of you who have followed carly and valerie in the past (via http://cerakmorrellupdate.blogspot.com), this new one should be much better. they are going to try and update weekly about happenings, personal stories, praises, whatever is on their heart. although i maybe a guest poster on that blog, i will still continue to remain true to my one and only blog.

Friday, September 4, 2009

work and play

it isn't all fun and games here in mombasa. sometimes i actually have to do work.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Enock, Allan, Mohamed, Samuel
So Tuesday was the first day of school.

Mohamed had a new bag given to him for school. There were some surprises left for him in the bag by the previous female owner.