I am living life with 7 street boys (ages 18-22) in Mombasa, Kenya.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

salvation part 2

so actually, the other night, we presented salvation to the boys.  we read a testimony from the book "the cross and the switchblade", by david wilkerson.  the testimony was of nicky cruz, who was a former gang member in NYC.  a lot of his testimony and experiences in life resonate with the boys in the house.  we talked about how the Holy Spirit can come into a person's life, and totally change a person's life; remove struggles and temptation; perform miracles that people could not even imagine.  we held an open invitation for the boys to come and receive the Holy Spirit, but only if they truly desired to change.  only if they truly desired to give up everything to follow God.  it was disheartening to know that none of the boys even had a little desire to truly change.  none of them wanted the transformation that nicky cruz experienced.  it was their first exposure to salvation.  it was their first time hearing about the Holy Spirit becoming apart of them and changing their lives.

tonight, we're planning on watching the movie "the cross and the switchblade" based off the book.  we're coming at them with another opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit to move powerfully through similar situations.  the book is about david wilkerson and how he started off as a country preacher in PA and felt called by God to minister to gangs in NYC.  a revival started within the gangs of NYC.  and we're hoping this movie will allow the Holy Spirit to move in the lives of our boys here at the Rapha House.

so our biggest prayer request right now is for the salvation of the boys.  not that i didn't realize before, but we definitely need the Holy Spirit to move in them for anything to happen.  our work is in vain if we're not moving along side of Him.  we all feel that we need to step up the level of maturity within the house, and that next step is salvation of the boys.


  1. You can tell them a lot of stories like Nicky Cruz's and they probabyl won't respond, but the one thing that will win them over to Christ is your love for them. Let's not forget 1Corinthians 13. I will keep them and you all in prayer that love will at the forefront of your ministry and that the Spirit will break their hearts that have been hardened by the sins of this world.

    Thanks for sharing brother and blessings to you!

  2. I'm believing with you and the team that God has faithful plans for all of you and all that's going on.
